Australasian Industrial Minerals Pty Ltd
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22 October 2024
Privacy Policy
This statement sets out AIM's policies relating to the privacy of your personal information:

Very briefly, this web site is operated in compliance with the Australian Government's Information Privacy Principles which are outlined at We try to comply with these principles at all times.

  1. Our web site collects the following information from our online visitors: a record of each visit that logs a visitor's IP address, the date and time of their visit, the pages accessed and/or documents downloaded, their country of origin and the type of browser used (this is the same type of information routinely collected by all web servers around the world). No attempt is or will be made to identify individual users or their browsing activities except in the unlikely event of an investigation where a law enforcement agency exercises a warrant to inspect our service provider's logs. We analyse the information collected by our web server at the end of each month purely to determine our web site's overall usage statistics.

  2. We retain the e-mail addresses of people who send emails to us through this web site for the simple purpose of sending them a response. These email addresses are stored in a secure area of our office network (ie not on the website) and are not used for any other purpose. Nor will they be disclosed to any third party without the consent of the person who originally emailed us. AIM does not spam; does not do business with anyone who does; and fully complies with the Australian Spam Act (2003).

  3. People who submit email addresses, web sites or other information for linking on this web site are agreeing to have them published on our web site by doing so. We will, however, remove or modify any submitted email address, web site URL or other supplied information on request.

Visitors should also note that this web site may contain links to other web sites that are included on the basis of containing content related to our own site's operations and/or as a service to our online visitors. When you click on a link to go to another site, you leave our own web site and are no longer protected by our Privacy Policy.

This privacy statement is periodically reviewed in line with the ongoing development of our web site and/or changes to Australian privacy laws.


This statement sets out AIM's policies relating to copyright, accuracy of information and error correction.

The information presented on our web site is the result of personal, original effort by us and we retain the copyright on all information and graphical materials shown here (except those which are licensed and/or used with the permission of the copyright owner). Outside of any fair use practices allowed by law, you can only reproduce materials shown on this website if you receive our written permission to do so.

We try to keep our web site current at all times but there may be occasions when some part of it is out of date because real life circumstances change faster than our web site can accurately reflect them.

Even so, we appreciate that our visitors rely on our web site to be 100% accurate at all times. So we'll happily remedy any inaccurate information as soon as we're made aware of it.

If you believe you've discovered an error we should correct or update, please email us about it. We'd greatly appreciate it if you'd also include the URL (ie address) of the page you believe is in error. You can do this by copying the URL out of your web browser's address line.